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  • lunasparlour

Spring is....Springing

With groundhogs running amok - some seeing shadows and some not - it's almost time for Luna's Parlour to come out of hibernation

Boy did we need a rest. The second half of 2023 was a doozy of our own making! I started a new day job, and then we decided to move. And what a move! Instead of claustrophobic suburban sprawl, we now have horses as neighbors (or neighhhhh-bors). Our tree filled yard is home to more species of birds that I can count. We have at least 4 pairs of cardinals, 2 pairs of blue jays, at least 5 different types of woodpeckers, nuthatches, sparrows, mourning doves, tufted titmouse, an occasional bluebird, and others I haven't gotten a good enough glimpse to identify. They make for great reality TV. We finally found our place that recharges our souls.

We set up a new little studio with fantastic views out into the ravine behind us -- and with perfect views to so many different types of inspiring trees. So many new ideas has had us making loads of new trees - including a whole host of our ever-popular faerie style (teeny, tiny sweet little trees). We received amazing amethyst shipments with new trees on amethyst cathedral bases and on big chunks of amethyst. We started making some tree of life rings/suncatchers - though they're small, they take as much time as a medium tree with all the wire twisting in limited spaces. They're super cute (personally, I may string a series of these together to create a "garland" over a window...but we'll see). We're testing out lots of new ideas! And we've looked hard to find some fun, new items to bring to you too.

We're looking forward to a slower-paced 2023! We're still going to do a number of events - just maybe not as many as last year. We're looking forward to seeing everyone again as we come out of our winter hibernation into the spring thaw!

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